Well, here I am 6 months pregnant and everything continues to go so well. Turkey (that's what we call the baby since he's due close to Thanksgiving) continues to grow. I am a doctor-junkie! I love going to the dr. every month to hear the baby's heart and to hear the dr. say that everything looks just how it's supposed to. I would go everyday if I could! I love feeling the baby kick inside of me, a feeling that I never thought I would have the opportunity to experience. At first, I thought it was maybe just gas bubbles, but now Turkey's packing a stronger punch, and I know it's him exercising and growing and saying hi. Every morning I wake up in complete shock when I see my big belly and realize that it wasn't just a dream, that I'm really, truly pregnant. The love that I feel for this baby is so overwhelming and soul-consuming. I wish I could find stronger words to express the emotions that overflow from my heart each day. And when I pray, 'thank you' just doesn't feel like enough.
I have to admit that this pregnancy hasn't been all that hard. I've had good friends who have been so sick and miserable during their entire pregnancy, some who have been bed-ridden for months. But I haven't even really had a single day of morning sickness. The first trimester I felt really exhausted and a little nauseated here and there, but that's about it. Well, there was the incident with the microwave fish sticks, but that would have made me sick even if I wasn't pregnant. What made me think of eating microwave fish sticks? Yuck! I even just went on an Alaskan cruise and didn't really get sea sick. I'm counting myself lucky and blessed. I keep telling my body, "See, pregnancy's not so bad! We're actually pretty good at it! Why did you fight against this for so long?" I get sore hips and some minor aches and pains here and there, but nothing worth complaining about!
I know some women have a hard time seeing their girlish figures go away, but I love having a big belly. I finally look pregnant, and I love when people notice. I don't mind when people pat my belly because I can't resist rubbing my belly all the time either. I've worked so hard for this and I like to show off my belly like a trophy or one of those giant heavy-weight belts that wrestlers get when they win a championship. Maybe it's partly because I've always had a little bit of a poochy belly that I've always tried to hide, but now I have a good excuse!
And I love how people treat you when you're pregnant. I'll admit that it used to make me so jealous when I would see how people would pamper and take care of a pregnant woman while I carried my own heavy boxes out the door. Now I know pregnant women need the extra care, but I used to feel a little bad because I just wanted to be that woman so badly! But now I'm living it up! I used to have 'princess days' when I would do the egg retrieval and transfer for IVF. I would write it on the calendar as such. Hubbie would get me anything I wanted to eat, rent a couple of sappy chick flicks, and just cater to my every need during those times. Now everyday is a 'princess day'! Hubbie takes such good care of me. The poor guy hasn't really eaten a home cooked meal in months (well, except for when we go to his mom's house)! He has Wingers on speed dial because I love their potato skins. He is so patient with me. We're both starting to realize that in a few months (the time is flying by) we are going to be parents. Suddenly we're realizing how unprepared we are! And it's not just getting the nursery ready...it's getting our lives and our heads ready for not being empty-nesters anymore. Suddenly I'm panicking--am I going to be a good mom? Will I know what to do? Can I give this baby everything he deserves and more? The idea of marriage used to freak Hubbie out. He was a very happy bachelor, enjoying his freedoms. When we were dating and he would get out of line, I would whip out the 'M' word to scare him. This is a guy who jeeps up rock walls, jumps out of airplanes without hesitation...I had never really seen him scared until the day we got married. He wasn't just scared, he was terrified. It was kind of funny to see this big, tough guy so scared of little ol' me. Now I freak him out with the 'B' word--baby. When he gets out of line now, I pull out a pair of onesies or chase him around with my big belly. We're both so excited yet so terrified at the same time. But I'm so glad to be facing this new chapter in life with Hubbie.
One last thing, on our cruise we had this sweet waiter named Walter. He took such good care of us at dinner each night. If I remember right, I think he is from Mexico. Anyway, toward the end of the cruise (7 day cruise), thanks to all of the yummy food, I was looking much more pregnant than I did at the beginning. About the middle of the cruise, Walter asked me, "Are you pregnant?" He was so excited when I told him that I was. He later told Hubbie that he and his girlfriend are trying to have a baby, but no luck yet. But he was so excited for us and gave us each a big hug on the last day and wished us the best of luck with everything. I hope the best of luck for him in his life!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
When I grow up, I want to be my kids. They have much firmer boundaries with
protecting their emotional health and sticking to them than I do. A case in
1 day ago